Organisation Administration Functionality
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Adding New Queues and Fields
By default, none of the queues and fields are enabled on the connector agents. Omni Intelligence does not automatically add new queues and fields to Purecloud. They need to be added manually. Only Org Admins have access to this function.
When new queues added:
Log-on to the Omni Intelligence website using an Admin account.
Navigate to Services -> Agents Services.
- Select “Edit Configuration” next to the appropriate agent name.
- Select “Edit” next to the appropriate service.
Select the dropdown menu under "Enabled queues" and select whichever queues should be enabled.
Click 'Save'.
When new fields added:
Log-on to the Omni Intelligence website using an Admin account.
Navigate to Services -> Agents Services.
- Select “Edit Configuration” next to the appropriate agent name.
- Select “Edit” next to the appropriate service.
Select the dropdown menu under "Enabled fields" and select whichever fields should be enabled.
Click 'Save' to confirm your changes.
NOTE: This process will restart OI’s connection to PureCloud. Metrics may not be available for up to 30 minutes whist new data is collected.
Once data is flowing again. Then the queues will be available for selection in the wallboards (Supervisor Panels).
As the process does stop updates to the wallboard displays, it is best done after hours, or in a non-business impacting time.