Organisation Administration Functionality
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Create Email Templates
OI has the ability to send email messages when alerts are generated. Using email templates enables you to send predefined emails with variables that are expanded as appropriate when the email is sent.
- Log onto the Omni Intelligence website and navigate to Manage -> Email Templates.
- Click "Create New". (top left)
- Type your text as you want it to appear.
Use variables to represent usernames and and variables that will be expanded when the email is sent.
Click "Save" to save your work.
What variables are allowed?
Set 'Timeout' to zero (0) if the No acknowledgement from a contact is expected.
Supported wildcards for “Text” fields: {alert}, {alert.message},{alert.subject},{alert.time}, {contact},{group},{alert.message),{alert.subject}, {alert.time}, {contact},croup}. Use {accept_link},{reject_link} only for ‘Body’ text.
Manage Email Settings
Email settings can be configured at any time. For more information, click here.