Organisation Administration Functionality
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Queues Consolidation - User Documentation
OI can consolidate queues together to provide a subtotalling effect. These new consolidated queues then can be reported on like normal queues. Only Org Admins have access to this function.
Log onto the Omni Intelligence website using an admin account.
Navigate to Services -> Agent Services
- Select “Edit Configuration” next to the agent you wish to modify.
- Select “Edit” next to the appropriate service.
- Scroll down to the “Queue consolidations” area. Click the + to create your first subtotal. If you wish to delete a consolidated queue, click the X icon. You can add additional consolidated queues by clicking the + icon.
- Enter the name of the desired “Consolidated Queue”. Click the drop down to select which queues to combine.
- In this example, the combined queue will be called “Sales – Consolidated” and the queues that will be combined are the four “Sales” queues.
Click "Save" to confirm your changes.
Click "Back to List".
Click "Restart and Resync" to update the agent with these new changes.
After approximately 60 seconds, the new queues will be available to add to your wallboards and reports.
NOTE: This process will restart OI’s connection to PureCloud. Metrics may not be available for up to 30 minutes whist new data is collected.
As the process does stop updates to the wallboard displays, it is best done after hours, or in a non-business impacting time.