Alerts & Alert Escalation Workflows
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Logic Operators
Logic Operators are a very versatile type of component, and are used to run certain activities based the fulfillment of certain conditions, loop an activity, or produce some form of output. The types of Logic Operators include:
- If (conditional) Blocks
- Repeat (Loop) Blocks
- Comparison Nodes
- Value Nodes
- Computation Nodes
- String Nodes
- Print Nodes
If Blocks
Runs a certain task if a condition is fulfilled. A condition will need to be attached by the top 'cavity' of the block, and a task will need to be attached by the 'do' statement of the block.
This Block can be configured by clicking the 'Gear' icon.
We can add 'else if' statements to the block (this can be done multiple times), which will check another condition before performing a different task.
We can also add an 'else' statement (this can be done only once), which will run its tasks should all other conditions fail.
Repeat Blocks
Performs specified task for a specified number of iterations. In this example, the loop will repeat 10 times:
Comparison Nodes
Compares two values using an operator, returning a 'Success' if the statement is true, or a 'Fail' if a statement is false.
Operators available include: =, ≠, <, ≤, >, and ≥.
For example, we can add Value Nodes to a Comparison Node, and the below Node will return a 'Success', since the comparison is true.
Value Nodes
Value Nodes can take any numerical value.
Computation Nodes
Computation Nodes return a value after performing an operation between two other values.
Operators available include: +, -, ×, ÷ and ^ (exponent).
For example, the node below should return 17:
String Nodes
String Nodes contain text.
Print Nodes
Print nodes generate an output.
You can attach any string, value, computation or comparison node to it.
Primary Nodes
Click here to learn about Primary Nodes.
InCall Nodes
Click here to learn about InCall Nodes.